Scottish Parliament Petition on ABI

Brain IAC have an active petition with the Scottish Parliament Website. It calls on the introduction of a new "Care Category" of Acquired Brain Injury- separate from Mental Health, Physical Disability or Learning Difficulty.
The Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee took evidence from our three BrainIAC witnesses on 9th September 2008 -You can find out about it : Click on LINK HERE.
You can also watch the Committee proceedings on 9th September on Video by CLICKING HERE (The BrainIAC section starts about 1hr 13mins into the 3-hr session!)

Tuesday 6 January 2009

BrainIAC Activities October, November & December 2008

Somewhat belatedly . . . . . .

On 5th October HelenM completed a sponsored abseil down 165ft from the Forth Rail Bridge onto the shoreline at South Queensferry to support BrainIAC’s and Momentum’s funds – it was a superb autumn morning when Helen got kitted up, ready for the walk up the embankment where the end support of the approach viaduct section is located; then it was onto the very airy open-mesh walkway that runs below the full length of the bridge to the North Queensferry end – just a few meters under the trains which were still running as normal that day – and what a dreadfully loud thunderous clatter they make when you are just below!
CLICK HERE to see a slideshow of images that give a good idea of what HelenM had to do. (Thanks to RodD and AlanA for use of their pics)


HelenM’s Abseil raised £565

- £100 for Momentum & £465 for BrainIAC

- Well Done Helen ! ! ! and All who supported her

Petition Update

Around the middle of November a few of the Committee (and some help from KatherineD {Headway}) spent quite a few hours emailing every MSP – making him/her aware of our group, our campaign, and asking for their support if/when our proposal for the introduction of a separate health and community care category of ABI comes in front of the Scottish Parliament.

Also, from late November, we received (from the Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee (PPC) ) the comments/responses of 6 organisations the PPC had invited to comment on our Petition. In terms of PPC procedure, it was explained that HelenM (as Petitioner) could make a final written BrainIAC response to the 6 above submissions received; this to be submitted to the PPC just before the Christmas holidays. The PPC would then subsequently consider all 7 submissions (ie the above 6 organisations’ plus our final BrainIAC responses) at a meeting of the Committee starting at 1.30ish? (time to be confirmed) Tuesday 13th January 2009 in the Parliament Building.

Between 21st Nov – 21st Dec several BrainIAC members met variously at HelenM’s and Momentum’s offices several times , and, towards the end, ‘virtually’ by email to discuss the other organisations’ comments, and also to develop the final BrainIAC response to these. Many individuals contributed to our final 3-page A4 submission. These meetings proved very fruitful due to positive input from everyone; many thanks are due to everybody who helped by being involved in any way – we are sure we have ended up with a very strong BrainIAC submission - submitted to the PCC on 21st December.

CLICK HERE to link to all 7 submissions (our BrainIAC response is the last of these, viz. PE1179/G )
It is understood that, in considering what to do with our Petition, the PPC will only take account of these written submissions, and that, in particular, we do not have any entitlement to be heard further.

However, we believe we have made a very strong case for the introduction of a separate health & community care category of ‘Acquired Brain Injury’ – this has been strongly supported by the voluntary/non-statutory organisations’ responses (who are directly exposed to the problems of those with ABI and their carers).

A group of us have arranged to attend the PPC Meeting on Tues 13th Jan 2009 – any members, please join us to observe what happens (25 Observer Tickets available). If you cannot make the trip, then you can watch the PPC Meeting streamed live over the internet ( ) or download it later.

Travel Arrangements for PCC Meeting in Parliament Building
-Tues 13th January 2009 at 1.30ish (time to be confirmed)
Meet on the Queen Street Station concourse at 10.45am for 11am to Edin(Waverley) – arrives 11.50am; allowing 20mins to get to Holyrood; pick up Observer tickets (for the PPC Meeting at 1.30ish(?) in a Committee Room) at Reception by 12.45ish; allows 30-40mins to have a look around, etc before meeting starts.

Cheap day Return Fare: £10.40#
# Must travel out after 9:00 and return leaving Waverly not later than 16:30
-it is possible to get reductions on this with RailCard, Disability Concession Card, Group Travel Discount, etc.

As on our previous visit, some members can arrange to travel by Bus from Buchanan Bus Station to Waverleyfree with a Disability Concession Card.

Date of Next Meeting: to be arrangedWatch this space!

Alan Agar (Secretary) 6th January 2009