Scottish Parliament Petition on ABI

Brain IAC have an active petition with the Scottish Parliament Website. It calls on the introduction of a new "Care Category" of Acquired Brain Injury- separate from Mental Health, Physical Disability or Learning Difficulty.
The Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee took evidence from our three BrainIAC witnesses on 9th September 2008 -You can find out about it : Click on LINK HERE.
You can also watch the Committee proceedings on 9th September on Video by CLICKING HERE (The BrainIAC section starts about 1hr 13mins into the 3-hr session!)

Thursday 10 July 2008

Meeting on Fri 27th June 2008 1pm at the Renfield Centre


The total of 12 attending (mostly brain injured and/or carer) individuals including 3 ‘professional’ attendees introduced themselves ‘round the table. The main item for discussion at the meeting was the Constitution, to be followed by a range of items each requiring much less time.


After very brief introductions Helen, as Chairperson, handed over to Alan to deal with the Constitution, the May Draft of which members had taken away last time to read/study in their our time, to return to comment on it at this meeting. Alan led the discussion on the draft where the document was read through slowly paragraph-by-paragraph, and everyone had the opportunity to raise any points about which they were unhappy. There was quite some discussion that arose on a number of points – particularly those clauses that appeared under the sections headings: AIMS , OBJECTIVES, and MEMBERSHIP. As it was envisaged that our Constitution was effectively being finalised at this meeting, it was important that individuals were entirely happy with the details being decided on there and then.

Throughout the discussion which lasted for approximately an hour, agreement was reached for each point by talking the matter through without the need to take a vote of members to decide on issues that were raised. Practically all the modifications that were agreed involved changes to the detailed wording rather than the inclusion of extra, or the deletion of existing, clause provision.

Following this detailed consideration of the previously tabled Draft, it was decided that Alan would be left to update the document to its final form; then, at the start of the next group meeting (what will be the Inaugural Meeting of BrainIAC) the Constitution document will be formally adopted without further discussion.

Funding - level of subscription

There was some discussion on an appropriate level of subscription for members; it was suggested that something like £5 per annum could well be suitable. An alternative approach to funding was also suggested – that of asking for donations instead of having a specific subscription fee; it was also suggested that our group may attract more financial income from the former. This would be the case especially if there was some restriction on the sort of items subscription fee income can be spent. Sam Coyne is to clarify the situation concerning restrictions or otherwise for the next meeting.

Funding - bank account

While a group bank account could not be opened without the group’s Constitution being formally adopted and signed off, it seemed sensible to get organised for opening a suitable account so that it may be opened asap after Constitution adoption and the election of Office-bearer at our next meeting. It was agreed appropriate to open an account with the Royal Bank of Scotland (Sauchiehall Street Branch); Helen agreed to pick up a set of application forms for same in the near future.

Other business

Update on Petition to the Scottish Parliament

Helen reported that the group had collected approximately 500 signatures (something just over 100 on the Parliament website, with approximately 400 signatures collected on paper). She again noted that arrangements were in hand to submit the petition to the Public Petitions Committee at the Parliament, and Paul Martin MSP would be lending his support.

DVD of “BrainIAC – The Movie”
Helen had brought along lots of copies of “BrainIAC – The Movie” on DVD; members were very welcome to help themselves to a copy of this excellent animated slideshow of our recent street stall petition activities in Buchanan Street and Byres Road, Glasgow; David Thomson had used his multi-media talents to put this presentation together.
NHS Diamond Anniversary Celebration Show
Helen also had a supply of invitations for the Anniversary Event taking place at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on Sat. 5th July; again, everyone attending the meeting was welcome to help his/her-self to the number of tickets they thought they could use.

Managed Clinical Network for Acquired Brain Injury - Chris Flannery
Helen announced that she intended inviting Chris Flannery to our next meeting, so that she could update us on the progress of her work to put in place draft standards for Acquired Brain Injury. When she addressed us at our April meeting, she said she was interested to hear some of our personal stories, so this is another point to be raised with her.

Election of Office-bearers and Committee at next meeting
Sam Coyne noted that as the election of Office-bearers and Committee was intended to take place next time, members should give some thought before then as to whether they might wish to stand, and/or who they thought suitable to fill one or more positions.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at approximately 2.30pm.

Date of Next Meeting: Agreed as Fri 25th July at 1pm , with the venue subsequently confirmed as Momentum’s offices in the Savoy Tower.

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