Scottish Parliament Petition on ABI

Brain IAC have an active petition with the Scottish Parliament Website. It calls on the introduction of a new "Care Category" of Acquired Brain Injury- separate from Mental Health, Physical Disability or Learning Difficulty.
The Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee took evidence from our three BrainIAC witnesses on 9th September 2008 -You can find out about it : Click on LINK HERE.
You can also watch the Committee proceedings on 9th September on Video by CLICKING HERE (The BrainIAC section starts about 1hr 13mins into the 3-hr session!)

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Meeting notes: 29th February 2008


Helen as chair gave a welcome and said what the purpose of the group was. Brain Injury is so common- it is down to us (as people who have been there) to use our voice to improve services for the future. People with Brain Injury should be acknowledged and treated fairly.

We went around the group and said who we were and what our interest was.

Letter to MSPs on Information Packs for people with ABI

Most people who sent one had their responses from their letters. Most MSP’s had forwarded a letter from Nicola Sturgeon the Health Minister responding to the points made. This letter was read out to the group and copies were distributed for discussion. The full text will be included on the website, please contact us if you want a paper copy to see.

The letter was discussed it did make some good valid points about other work which was being done, and there were also a couple of things that the group wanted to write back about. A small sub group was set up to work on the letter. This was made up of David, Margaret, Stephen and Helen.

The letter mentioned Chris Flannery from the Managed Clinical Network for Acquired Brain Injury- who is doing some work on information. The group agreed to invite her to the next meeting if possible.

Petition on Acquired Brain Injury

The petition sub group reported back that they had come up with the following petition which will be submitted to the Scottish Parliament.

Petition by Helen Moran on Behalf of the Brain Injury Awareness Campaign calling on the Scottish Parliament to introduce a discrete Health and Community Care client category of “Acquired Brain Injury”, so that people with ABI get the services and support they need, and so that agencies can plan and deliver these services more effectively.”

The group discussed this and the background statements which were to be submitted. Some changes may still be made on it. As the petition asks which other groups have been consulted we felt that it would be good to show the petition to some other groups for discussion before it is submitted. This will help generate some interest in signing it from other also.

The draft text will be put on the website.


Helen reported back that she had some discussions on funding for the BRAINIAC group with Alison Davies at the Community Information Service. This is not urgent at present.

Next Meeting.

The next meeting was agreed for 28th March at 1pm. However this will be at Renfield St Stephens- 260 Bath Street. the meeting after this will be on 25th April- venue to be confirmed.

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